About Us
Welcome to Driver’s Education Roadmap. This site is dedicated to bringing you as much up to date and relevant driver’s ed information as we can. The year or so leading up to getting your license or your son or daughter getting their license can be a confusing and stressful time. The first few times out on the road can be stressful enough, figuring out how driver’s education works should not be so stressful. It can really be quite easy if you take it step by step and you do a bit of research to find the right driver’s education school for you and your loved ones.
We will help guide you through the steps and we will be here for you if you have specific questions that we haven’t answered. Feel free to contact us at any time with questions or suggestions for posts. We will also try to post general driving tips and information that can help anyone become a safer driver. I suggest that you and your teen take some time reading through the pages of our site to see how much information you can gather that will help both of you make it through the next few years safe and sound and relatively stress free. It is very important to be aware of the dangers of driving, but learning to drive need not be overly stressful for parent or teen.
The years directly before and after a person first gets their driver’s license are important ones. This is the time in their lives when many small actions and decisions can add up to some rather extreme and lifelong consequences. Many of us who have long since gone through our own driver’s ed training would have plenty of advice and some harrowing tales for the teens who are just approaching their driving years. Unfortunately, many times the advice and life stories fall on deaf ears for one reason or another or maybe we don’t always take the time that we should to impart our knowledge on the young. It is the job of your driver’s education school to teach all of these valuable life lessons before the new driver ever gets into one of those life changing situations. Part of the difficulty in teaching people to drive is getting their attention and getting them to realize how important the information is This is why many of the driver’s ed videos and presentations are designed to be a bit shocking and disturbing. We want the new drivers to really feel the potential danger so that they can treat the privilege of driving with the respect that it deserves.
Young or old, most of us could use a bit of a reality check when it comes to our driving. Too many of us drive every day or multiple times per day, yet we never really think too much about it. Our cars are easy to use, safe and very comfortable, so it is easy to let life’s little distractions take our attention away from our driving. Oftentimes, driving is taken about as seriously as walking, yet it is a much more complicated task than most of us realize. Way too many people are talking, singing, texting, making phone calls, drinking, eating, shaving, reading, searching their phones, entering an address on their phones or GPS, or simply changing the radio station while they are driving. Remarkably, most of us still make it home alive, but way too many aren’t so lucky. Driving should be given the respect that it deserves, most of us never realize how potentially close we are to a very dangerous, life changing accident. Driving needs all of your attention and all of your senses to be done properly, and even then, things can go still go wrong.
I hope that you find this site helpful and I hope that these pages and this information can make a positive difference in someone’s life. Please be safe and pay attention to your driving.