Probationary License Rules
The different levels of licensing in Wisconsin can get a bit confusing. First you get your Instruction permit (temps), then your probationary license, then your regular license (class D). Your temps and your probationary license are both covered under the Graduated Driver Licensing rules. Let’s run down some of the Probationary license rules so that you can understand exactly what probationary means.
A probationary license is issued to every new driver, regardless of age.
- persons from another country who pass the required tests.
- persons reinstating a revoked or canceled probationary license.
- new residents who surrender a license that is expired for more than six months, or who have less than three years of driving experience or who are under the age of 21.
Probationary Facts:
- A probationary license is a valid driver license for operation within and outside of Wisconsin.
- Demerit points double for moving traffic convictions after your first conviction.
- Your license will be suspended for six months if you accumulate 12 or more points within a 12-month period.
- Probationary licenses expire two years from the applicant’s next birthday. For example, if a new driver is 16 years old on the date they obtain their probationary license, the earliest that license would expire would be on their 19th birthday. Once your probationary expires, you will be issued your regular class D license unless you have had violations that would prevent this.
Probationary Requirements:
- Must be at least 16 years old.
- Must have passed an approved driver education course.
- Must have an adult sponsor.
- Must complete form MV3001
- Must provide proof of citizenship, etc. Usually your original birth certificate and social security card are good.
- Must have held your temps, violation free, for at least 6 months.
- Have 30 hours of driving experience (10 of which must be at night).
- Are enrolled in a school program or high school equivalency program and are not a habitual truant, or have graduated from high school or been granted a declaration of high graduation equivalency, or are enrolled in a home-based private education program.
- Pass the driving skills test.
- Pay the necessary fees.
Probationary Restrictions:
- You must maintain absolute sobriety while driving
- Must wear your seat belt.
The following restrictions are in effect the first nine months and can be extended until you are 18:
- You can drive alone, but you are limited to only one passenger other than your immediate family or a qualified adult.
- No driving between midnight to 5 a.m., unless traveling between home and school or work.
- The restrictions above can be extended if you get a traffic ticket, your probationary license is suspended or revoked or you are in violation of the above restrictions.
There are a lot of rules that go along with this license, but they are all there to help you make it safely to the end goal which is to be a safe driver with a Regular Class D drivers license.