As a teen preparing to get your license, you are right now in a very interesting time of your life. You are standing at the edge of your childhood looking out across the expanse of your teen years and all that you can see is a slight hint of adulthood. You are likely not sure exactly who you are right now, much less what you will be in the future. Believe me, I was a teen at one point and I can remember all of the uncertainties, high hopes and dreams, worries, wishes and wants. For some of you, getting your driver’s license may be your idea of the ticket to your freedom, to others of you it may mean new driving chores for Mom and Dad. For others of you this may be one of the first times that you have even given any serious thought to the prospect of driving.
As a driving instructor, I have met quite a variety of teens and I can say one thing for sure, you are all different. Whether you are raring to go and want your license yesterday or you aren’t even sure if you want it, I hope that I can help you. I hope that this site can in some way inspire you to be the best driver that you can be. In many ways being the best driver that you can be involves skills that must be learned, but in others it means a broader, more mature way of thinking than you may be used to. Most of your life up to this point has been spent learning and growing into the person that you are, but for the vast majority of you the moment you get behind the wheel will be the first time that you have had other people’s lives and futures in your hands. Most teens need to adjust their thinking as much, if not more than they need to adjust their skills. The actual skills that you need to drive a car aren’t that different from those needed to ride your bike, drive a lawnmower or to drive any sort of motorized vehicle, but the mindset needs to be very different.
Please take the time to read through some of the following pages for more insight into this important step in your life and please realize, that as a teen things are changing fast for you in your outside world as well as inside yourself, so be prepared for some challenges, but also know that you can overcome all of them with perseverance and a willingness to work at it. And above all, when you are out on the road driving, make sure that you are in your best state of mind, stay calm and concentrate.

